There are a number of libraries that either come bundled with playdoh or are otherwise useful for it. The list is incomplete.
For a full list of enhancements enabled by default, check out the feature list.
Note: Libraries marked with an *asterisk* are bundled with playdoh by default.
- django-multidb-router*: Round-robin master/slave db router for Django 1.2.
- South: Database migration tool.
Deferred Execution (cron, message queues)¶
- django-celery*: Celery integration for Django.
- django-cronjobs*: A simple cron-running management command for Django.
- django-gearman: A convenience wrapper for Gearman clients and workers in Django/Python.
- django-waffle: A feature flipper for Django.
- django-arecibo*: Track the errors on your website in a database.
Internationalization (i18n) and Localization (L10n)¶
- Babel*: A collection of tools for internationalizing Python applications.
- pytz: World Timezone Definitions for Python.
- tower*: A library that builds on Babel and Jinja2 to make extracting strings easy and uniform.
- The Translate Toolkit*: Tools for working between translation formats.
- commonware*: Middlewares and other stuff we share.
- django-mobility*: Middleware and decorators for directing users to your mobile site.
- django-moz-header: Common header/footer templates and CSS for Django-based Mozilla sites.
- django-mozilla-product-details*: Pulls Mozilla product details library data from SVN and makes it available as Python dictionaries.
Security and Data Sanitization¶
- bleach*: An easy, HTML5, whitelisting HTML sanitizer.
- django-sha2*: Monkey-patches strong password hashing support into Django.
- happyforms: Extension to Django Forms that strips spaces.
- django-session-csrf*: Replaces Django’s cookie-based CSRF method with a session-based one, in order to mitigate certain cookie-forging attacks.
Templates and Caching¶
- django-cache-machine: Automatic caching and invalidation for Django models through the ORM.
- jingo*: An adapter for using Jinja2 templates with Django.
- jingo-minify*: Concatenate and minify JS and CSS for Jinja2 + Jingo + Django.
- hera: Client for Zeus Traffic Manager SOAP API.
- django-fixture-magic: Utilities to extract and manipulate Django fixtures.
- django-nose*: Django test runner using nose.
- nose*: nose extends unittest to make testing easier.
- test-utils*: A grab-bag of testing utilities that are pretty specific to our Django, Jinja2, and nose setup.